The best way to learn Drupal
Learn Drupal with our instructor-led online classes. The convenience of online video with a live instructor there to help you.
Explore Our Courses
Online courses that
really work

On-Demand Video Lessons
Learn Drupal quickly with our comprehensive, convenient online lesson videos. Available 24/7 to start and stop on your schedule.

Live Instructor Webinars
All DrupalTutor classes include live webinars with an expert Drupal instructor. Get help when you're stuck, or ask questions that weren't covered in the lesson videos.

Online Development Environment Included
We include a fully-functional online development environment with every course, so you won't have to install any software to follow along. All you need is a web browser!

Access Your Courses Forever
As good as our classes are, we know you can't remember everything. So, DrupalTutor classes are yours to keep forever. Rewatch lessons whenever you need a refresher!

“Only a week after my class, I have already created a portal for our school board.”
It worked for them
How are these classes taught?
Do I need to have a particular type of computer?
Do I need to install anything on my computer?
Do I have to attend all the live webinars?
How long can I access the course materials?
Can I reschedule my class if I become too busy to take it?
Can I cancel my class?
My organization requires an invoice. Can you provide that?
- Name and address of your organization
- Email address to send the invoice to
- PO Number, if there is one
- Name and email address of all students you want to register
- Classes you would like to register for, including start dates