Build a Drupal-Free With 8's REST API and Javascript: DrupalCon Austin Session Notes
Wayne Eaker

Drupal Theming
- Divitis
- A lot of Drupalisms all throughout the HTML
- Lots of templates to override to do simple things
A Different Approach
- AngularJS
- Need raw data for Angular. No theming, no divs, etc.
- Web Services and REST in Drupal 8 core
- Accept header: application/hal+json
- CORS module: allow pulling data from a different URL from the site you're on.
- Client Side Theme: Not a Drupal theme. Totally decoupled.
- index.html, app.js, angular.js
- ng-controller: Builds a $scope variable like $variables array in normal theme.
- Use $http service to do REST request
- Create an Angular "service" for retrieving data of a particular type
- Routing: angular-route.js
- Wildcards with $routeparams
- Can specify template files for your various routes.
- DBLogResource module: example of wrapping custom data in REST in D8