The Week in Drupal: September 27, 2013

Wayne Eaker

A review of interesting modules, articles and other Drupal news of the last week September 20 - 27, 2013.

Drupal News

Drupal Association News: Infrastructure team is looking for help

Drupal Association News: A Gr8 New Logo

Drupal Association News: At-Large Board Elections Announced

Great Posts and Tutorials

Secrets of successful web project procurement

Drupal core announcements: Coder Drupal 8.x Battleplan

CI: Deployments and Static Code Analysis with Drupal/PHP

Károly Négyesi: On Backdrop

Building really fast websites with Drupal 8

PreviousNext: Drupal 8 Ready: What's new for Site Builders?

PreviousNext: Drupal 8 Ready: What's new for Developers?

PreviousNext: Drupal 8 Ready: What's new for Themers?

Bryan Braun: Please, stop stewing, and start blogging about Drupal

Interesting New Modules

OG Drive, integrate Google drive SDK with OG - This module associates Organic Groups with Google accounts (Google drive) to let group members collaborate and share documents. The module uses the Google PHP SDK to authorize group members to create, upload, view, edit and delete documents that are automatically shared with all the group members.

CiviCRM Clear All Caches - A simple module that adds the same functions used by Drush to truncate CiviCRM's cache tables and clear files from template_c when Drupal's hook_flush_caches is called.

Search API Amazon-CloudSearch - A plugin for Search API that allows users to build and search indexes on Amazon's CloudSearch service.

Background image slideshow - Create a background image slideshow through the admin interface.

Evanced Registration - Allow users to register for events on your Evanced event site without leaving the context of your Drupal site.

Rules Condition Site Variable - Allows your rule to have a condition that explicitly references a variable by name.

Commerce License Billing - Commerce License Billing provides advanced (prepaid, postpaid, prorated, plan-based, metered) recurring billing for licenses.